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Philosophical considerations on the reading and dissemination of The Prince in early modernity

Rodolfo Jacarandá

Cadernos de Ética e Filosofia Política USP


The Prince is a founding political text of modernity. Its dissemination was so controversial that it is quite difficult to have an exact notion of Machiavelli’s own ideas regarding the purposes of his work. Created from the repercussions of the Florentine thinker’s text, the concept […]

Saturday - 21/05/2022 - 12:45

Human rights and the justice system in land conflicts in western Amazonia

Rodolfo Jacarandá e Priscila Matzembacher

Revista Direito e Práxis


Land conflicts in western Amazonia have increased considerably in recent years – especially in states such as Rondônia, where the country’s highest number of deaths occur in Brazil. To understand the historical-normative scenario of the problem, we will analyze the performance of the institutions of […]

Tuesday - 17/05/2022 - 05:49