EP FIL 04 | Body and Soul in Pre-Socratic Philosophy

When did the Greeks begin to separate body and soul in philosophy? What did it mean to say, in Pre-Socratic Greece, that the soul could be separated from the body? We will see in this episode the origin of body and soul dualism in Greek philosophy. We will also analyze the role of Pythagoras in this story, he who was responsible for proposing and disseminating the idea of reincarnation in Greek antiquity. Follow the thread!!!


Website: https://ocastdosespiritos.libsyn.com

Instagram: @ocastdosespiritos

Youtube: https://bit.ly/ocastdosespiritos

EP FIL 5 | The Imortality of the Soul in Socrates and Plato

Our investigation to understand the development of the concept of immortality of the soul and of reincarnation in Western philosophy continues. In this episode we will study Socratic ideas about the immortality of the soul in Plato’s work. Let’s analyze the dialogues of the sequence called “The Trial and Death of Socrates”, especially the Apology and the Phaedo.

Website: https://ocastdosespiritos.libsyn.com

Instagram: @ocastdosespiritos

Youtube: https://bit.ly/ocastdosespiritos


BURNETT, Josh. The Socratic Doctrine of the Soul. London: British Academy, (1916) 2016.

EHRMAN, Bart. Heaven and hell: a history of the afterlife. Simon and Schuster. New York, 2020.

ELIADE, Mircea. History of religious beliefs and ideas II – From Gautama Buddha to the triumph of Christianity. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2011.

ELKAISY-FRIEMUTH, Maha; DILLON, John M. [Edited by]. The Afterlife of the Platonic Soul – Reflections of Platonic Psychology in the Monotheistic Religions. Leiden – Boston, 2009

GUTHRIE. W. K. C. A history of Greek Philosophy – Volume IV, Plato, The Man, and his Dialogues: Earlier Period. Cambridge University Press, 1975.

JAEGER. Paideia – the formation of the Greek man. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2000.

MCPHERRAN, Mark L. Platonic religion. In.: A Companion to Plato. Edited by Hugh H. Benson. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.

PLATO. Phaedo. Brasília: Publisher University of Brasília, 2000.

PLATO. Gorgias. In: Dialogues. Bauru/SP: Edipro, 2007.

PLATO. The Trial and Death of Socrates – Euthyphro – Apology – Crito – Phaedo. Rio de Janeiro: New Frontier, 2018.

PLATEAU. Complete Works. Edited by John M. Cooper. Associate editor d. S. Hutchinson. Cambridge, Hackett Publishing Company, 1997.

REALE, Giovanni. Body, soul and health: the concept of man from Homer to Plato. Sao Paulo: Paulus, 2002.

ROHDE, Erwin. Psyche – The cult of souls and belief in immortality among the Greeks. Harper & Row (1966). 1925. London, New York.

SANTOS, Jose Trinidad. To read Plato – Soul, city, cosmos. Sao Paulo: Loyola, 2009.

SPINELLI, Miguel. Fundamental questions of Greek philosophy. Sao Paulo: Loyola, 2006.

EP FIL 03 | Afterlife in Homer’s Greece

How did the Greeks of Homer’s time view life after death? Did they believe in the survival of the soul? Did the soul retain its individuality, its conscience? Could the dead interfere in the world of the living? We will analyze the Iliad and the Odyssey, founding works of Greek civilization, and see how they were important in establishing the first steps to form a set of beliefs that define Western religiosity until today.


Website: https://ocastdosespiritos.libsyn.com

Instagram: @ocastdosespiritos

Youtube: https://bit.ly/ocastdosespiritos

EP FIL 01 | The Religion of the Ancient Greeks

Did the ancient Greeks believe in life after death? And in reincarnation? What was the conception of the soul in the Greek religion of the classical era?

Ancient Greek cults and rituals exert a profound influence on all Western religions. His views on the relationship between the material world and the immaterial dimension of the exhibition were filled with myths and poetic narratives.

All aspects of life were represented by myths and traditions considered significant inspired by deep reflections even today. In this episode, we will briefly review how the main ideas and practices of the ancient religion of the Greeks, how they understand an idea of the soul and an afterlife, and explore some of the schools that teach a metempsychosis, a transmission of the soul and communication with those who left the material plane.


Site: https://ocastdosespiritos.libsyn.com

Instagram: @ocastdosespiritos

Youtube: https://bit.ly/ocastdosespiritos


Com citar este episódio:

O CAST DOS ESPÍRITOS. A religião dos gregos. Rodolfo Jacarandá. Porto Velho, Rondônia, 10 de dez. de 2021. Podcast. Disponível em 18 de dezembro de 2021. Acesso em (preencher com a data do seu acesso).