Rodolfo Jacarandá

Professor and Academic Researcher in Philosophy, Human Rights, Critical Crimonology and Contemporary Culture.

“What is this present that I belong to?” (Michel Foucault – The government of the self and of others)

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(PT) Amazônia lidera desvios de armas de fogo


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(PT) Amazônia em chamas


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(PT) Falta de policiais prejudica a Amazônia


(PT) Relatório divulgado pelo Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública traz informações minuciosas sobre polícias nos estados da Amazônia.

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(PT) Quais são os países mais violentos do mundo?


(PT) É impossível definir violência por apenas um indicador objetivo. Mas, se você estiver pensando em mortes violentas caracterizadas como homicídios, por exemplo, então a resposta pode ser simples: o país mais violento do mundo é o Brasil.

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(PT) O desmatamento na Amazônia 1988 a 2022


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(PT) Encarceramento em massa no Brasil 2005-2022


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(PT) “De fato, os homens começaram a filosofar por causa da admiração, na medida em que ficavam perplexos diante das dificuldades mais simples (…). Ora, quem experimenta uma sensação de dúvida e de admiração reconhece que não sabe”. Aristóteles, Metafísica, Livro A, 982b.

Scientific publications, articles, research and others

(PT) Crime e punição em Rondônia (Anuário Brasileiro da Segurança Pública 2018-2021)

Rodolfo Jacarandá

Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública


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Monday - 25/07/2022 - 07:52

Rethinking Torture: A Foucauldian Critique on Justification of Interrogational Torture

Rodolfo Jacarandá

Aufklärung - Revista de Filosofia


Many jurists and politicians insist on justifying the use of torture. In this paper I will analyze the results of the detention and interrogation program of CIA, set up in 2002 to investigate and prevent future terrorist attacks. I will demonstrate, using Foucault’s methodology for […]

Tuesday - 07/06/2022 - 09:16

Methodology to Judicialize Human Rights Violations in the Brazilian Legal System

Rodolfo Jacarandá

Revista Opinião Jurídica


There is no human rights system in Brazil’s domestic legal system. In addition, the lack of a correct methodology to judicialize claims in the area makes it difficult for courts and tribunals to recognize these norms, which delays the search for reparations for the human […]

Tuesday - 31/05/2022 - 05:59

Rodolfo Jacarandá

Rodolfo Jacarandá

Degree in Law (1995–1999)

Master of Philosophy degree from PUCCAMP/SP (2001–2003).

Doctorate in philosophy from UNICAMP/SP (2004–2008).

Since 2011, I have been an associate professor and researcher at the Department of Philosophy at the Federal University of Rondônia, Western Amazon, Brazil.

Human rights lawyer.

Professor and permanent researcher of the Professional Master’s Program in Human Rights and Justice Development ( Leader of the master’s course creation project, responsible for raising funds to train 220 masters in human rights in the Amazon. Head of the Program between 2017-2021.

Coordinator of the Master’s Program in Philosophy at the Federal University of Rondônia ( (current).

Member of the National Human Rights Commission/Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (2017–2019).

President of the Rondônia State Bar Association’s Human Rights Commission (2013–2017).

Vice President of the State Human Rights Council (2017–2019).

Associate member of the Brazilian Public Security Forum (

Member of the international scientific committee of the Centro di Studi ARS RoSA—Ragion di Stato e Democrazia (

Member of the Law and Society Association since 2018.



Political Philosophy; Human Rights; Ethics; Philosophy Of Law; Human Rights Law; Critical Theory Justice; International Human Rights; Philosophy; Human Rights Theory; Indigenous Peoples Rights; Reason of State; Democracy; Theory of State; Philosophy of Criminal Law.